
Tatyana von Leys was born in Innsbruck, Austria, studied French, guest student in philosophy, painting since 1990, lives and works today at Tegernsee in the south of Germany.

Projects with Peter Weiermair in the 90s, Exhibition openings and publications, as Modern art Times, Galerie Krinzinger/Wien

Author of the Book: Das Neue Denken/Technik und Macht ist Evolution neu gedacht/2018 ISBN 9783746054513, presented during Vienna Artweek 2018,
Book of the Month Dez.2018: transform/das Magazin für den digitalen Wandel

May 2022: The Future of the Body Kunsthaus Graz: DIE ZUKUNFT DES KÖRPERS, Space 04

May 2023: technology-art-and-the-posthuman John Cabot University, Rome

Kuratoren: Prof. Peter Weiermair + in the 90s,
Dr. Phil. Lily von Fürstenow

Numerous exhibitions public and private purchases

In der Sammlung: Klocker Museum, Hall in Tirol, (Österr. Künstler nach 1945)